The duration of your presentation depends on the number of presenters in your session. Every session lasts 90 minutes to be shared by 3-4 presenters, allowing every speaker to present a paper in 15 minutes, followed by a discussion. For that reason, you are kindly invited to respect the time allocated to you by the moderator at the beginning of your session. Please, notice that a “paper presentation” is not a “paper reading”. Your full paper is not for your “paper presentation” but for a publication of selected papers after the conference. You are not invited to read your full paper during your presentation because there is a risk that you will not have enough time for that. Moreover, reading a paper will be annoying for your public. So, you are kindly invited to prepare a short version of your paper to be presented in 15 minutes maximum. An oral presentation without reading a text or a combination of oral and power point presentation is highly recommended. For that reason, every room is equipped with a computer and a video projector. Please, notice however that the link of computer and video projector in some rooms is fixed and the two tools are not detachable. In this case, you cannot use your own computer to project your power-point to the screen. In any case, you are kindly invited to prepare your power-point in a USB flash disk if you wish to use the video projector available in the room.



The organising committee will provide meals to all the presenters, panel/roundtable/workshop organisers and chairs during Le Havre part of the conference on February 13-14, 2020 (two lunches, two dinners, all café sessions). All the presenters, panel/roundtable/workshop organisers and chairs will receive four tickets respectively for two lunches and two dinners. The co-presenters and non-presenter participants may join the presenters in lunches and dinners by paying the registration fee with meals (60 euros). As for the Paris Programme, there is no information so far. You are kindly invited to prepare a budget for your meals in Paris.



The conference is a part of the annual event ASIA WEEK organised by the students of Master's Degree in Exchanges with Asia at the Université Le Havre Normandie. In this event there will be exhibition of photos and cultural objects enriched by demonstration of calligraphy, origami, and other Asian art and craft. The conference will be ended by a Socio-cultural Evening with Asian dances, music, defile of traditional/ethnic/national dresses, demonstration of martial arts and free buffet of Asian cuisine for all the presenters and chairs and those who pay registration fee with meals.



There will be a book stand in the ASIA WEEK exhibition where you can present your recent book(s). It is also possible to put your book(s) on sale. The sale will be managed by ASEA (Association of Students in Exchanges with Asia) who organises the Asia Week. A commission of 20% is to be given to ASEA for every book sold. So, please, inform the if you wish to bring some copies of your recent book(s) to be presented and/or to be put on sale at the book stand. For the books on sale, please indicate their title and their respective sale price.



There is no dress code for the conference. Please, feel free to wear what you wish. Formal Western style is not compulsory. It is even encouraged that everybody brings her/his preferred traditional/national/ethnic dress(es). It would be nice to see a cultural diversity in the conference and to organise “family photo sessions” with traditional/national/ethnic dress in Paris and Le Havre. During the opening session and socio-cultural evening in Le Havre, all the conference participants will be invited to come on stage wearing their preferred traditional/ethnic/national dress.



It is possible to organise photo sessions in Paris. The best moment may be the end of the opening session for indoor and outdoor photos on February 12, 2020. As for photo sessions in Le Havre, the best moments will be at the end of the opening session on February 13 and at the opening of the socio-cultural evening on February 14, 2020.



The last session of the Paris programme will end at 17:00 hours. After that, it is possible to organise a two-hour walk around places of interests in Paris. If you are interested in the idea, please, send a message to the



A LE HAVRE CITY TOUR will be organised on Saturday February 15 morning with a walk around places of interest. For your return to Paris, you are recommended to take a train that leaves Le Havre at 14:00 and arrives in Paris at 16:42. If you wish to participate in the visit, please send a message to