Dimanche 12 novembre 2023, par INITIATIVES
Following the Israeli continuous raids on Gaza since May 14, 2021, we reiterate our declaration on Palestine formulated at our BANDUNG+60 CONFERENCE in Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia, on October 27-31, 2015.
Our call for STOP THE WARS IN UKRAINE is also still open for signature.
Poem from Palestine
Gaza ! Land of Epics and Poets !
By Noha Khalaf
English & French / Anglais & français
Gaza, city of Wounds !
Gaza, first virtuous city of Palestine.
City of poets !
Pain blooms in you like roses, and a human face rises from your sacred mud.
Making bombs with your shredded limbs,
Your human saviours labour like angels descended from the heavenly skies
They bandage children’s wounds in darkness with sweat and tears,
And are blessed by the prayers of the mother of the wounded child,
Your valiant journalists float like stars above the clouds,
To heal the earth’s small wounds and cover them with flowers,
The cry of an infant sounds like a call to prayer,
‘Azan’ prayers rise from mosques’ and church bells ring loud,
Mary Magdalen’s face appears like crystal,
To chant the epic of resurrection and light,
The Good Samaritan appears carrying a jug of water for the thirsty poor.
Your cemeteries become tribunes for martyred poets,
Scented with holy incens,
From them rises gems of sublimated words
As though verses from the Holy Qur’an,
And psaulms from Gospel songs,
Their poems loom
With words stronger than bullets,
Repelling the sound of terror !
Mahmoud, the prodigious poet and righteous son of Al-Birwa, the destroyed village,
Rises like a peacock from under the rubble,
Shouting at the vampires,
‘Depart ! Get out of our blood and air.
Let us live and die as we want !
Nizar, the poet from Greater Syria, breathes from underwater,
In his great adventure against the tide,
Claiming that no hero is left among them... not Abu Bakr nor Othman !
Samih Al-Qasim stands and shouts in defiance in front of a tank : Advance, advance !
Muzaffar al-Nawab the damned poet of ancient Mesopotamia,
Hurls all kinds of insults at the Repenting crowds.
While Tawfiq Ziad explains
The meaning the twenty impossible rebels, in Lydda, Ramleh and Al Jaleel.
Fadwa Toukan calls out : O people, Until when will your lies cover you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet !
Ahmed Fouad Negm and Sheikh Imam queuing behind the forbidden Crossing line, chant,
‘Oh Palestinians, I want to join you with my sword, my hands striking with your hands,
The head of the poisonous boa,
Until the law of Hulagu dies !
Izz al-Din Manassera chants his love for Jafra, his captive land !
Ibrahim Toukan sings to the beauty of his homeland,
Its hills, and majestic fields !
Standing by,
The young poets hear their words,
They rise gracefully from the ruins,
While playing in their major playing ground,
Their chaotic garden full of broken toys,
They search for the remains of pieces of wood and leaves,
And build a huge phoenix from broken pots and rocks,
To throw at the head of the cunning fox,
They draw a future for abandoned migratory birds,
With coloured stones to throw at
Rabid dogs,
And ruthless pirates of the sea !
Noha Khalaf
November 8, 2023
Around 260 Indian citizens signed the statement calling on the Government of India to de-recognise the state of Israel, identifying it as an Apartheid state. They also called upon all Indians, as individuals, as civil society organisations, trade unions etc., to endorse the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction of the Israeli state and all its allied institutions. Finally, they declared their solidarity with the Palestinian people whose Right to Political Self-determination and Right of Return must be respected and fulfilled. The signatories included Javed Anand, Vrinda Grover, Nivedita Menon, Sumit Sarkar, Tanika Sarkar, Teesta Setalwad, Anuradha Talwar, Dipankar Bhattacharya, Feroz Mithiborwala, Prabhat Patnaik, Utsa Patnaik, Zoya Hasan, Ammu Abraham, Harbans Mukhia, Mihir Desai, Anand Patwardhan, Admiral L. Ramdas, Soma Marik, Kamayani Bali Mahabal, and Sumanta Banerjee. The statement and full list of signatories is attached herewith is relased for public circulation (Achin Vanaik and Kunal Chattopadhyay on behalf of the initiators and signatories).
DIRECT MESSAGE FROM GAZA, May 14, 2021 (in French)
DIRECT MESSAGE FROM GAZA, May 15, 2021 (in French)
DIRECT MESSAGE FROM GAZA, May 16, 2021 (in French)
DIRECT MESSAGE FROM GAZA, May 17, 2021 (in French)
DIRECT MESSAGE FROM GAZA, May 18, 2021 (in French)
DIRECT MESSAGE FROM GAZA, May 19, 2021 (in French)
DIRECT MESSAGE FROM GAZA, May 20, 2021 (in French)
En direct de Gaza
Il est 9h à Gaza ce vendredi 14 mai 2021
Bilan provisoire
450 raids en deux heures
Le génocide se poursuit !
Cinquième jour de l’agression israélienne contre la bande de Gaza
Une nuit terrible et meurtrière
450 raids israéliens menés par 160 avions militaires en deux heures au nord de la bande de Gaza.
Horrible !
Une population civile horrifiée et terrorisée
2000 habitants sans- abri après la destruction de leurs maisons et immeubles.
Bilan provisoire ce vendredi 14 mai 2021 à 9h
120 palestiniens assassinés dont trente enfants , quinze femmes et cinq personnes âgées jusqu’à présent.
630 blessés parmi eux 150 enfants , 60 femmes, et cinq journalistes
Et ça continue !
Le génocide se poursuit !
Destruction massive partout dans la bande de Gaza
Infrastructure civile visée et endommagée
Cinq grands immeubles détruits totalement
Cent maisons détruites
Vingt bâtiments publics détruits
Dix écoles bombardées et endommagées
Deux universités touchées
Six usines détruites
Trois municipalités visées
Cinq stations électriques endommagées
Neuf cliniques et centre médicaux visés
Dix-huit agences de presse détruites
Trois banques détruites
Dix-sept associations bombardées
Deux marchés publics visés
Trente magasins détruits
Dix routes endommagées
Cinq coopératives agricoles touchées
Sept terrains agricoles endommagés
Deux stades visés
Huit mosquées touchées
Quatorze puits d’eau détruits
Fermeture totale de tous les passages
Fermeture de l’espace de pèche par ordre militaire israélien
La Palestine occupée résiste !
Gaza l’agressée résiste, persiste et existe !
La lutte continue !
Vive la solidarité !
La Palestine vivra !
La justice triomphera
Ziad Medoukh, Gaza, le 14 mai 2021