Saturday 3 December 2011, by BSCS 2011
//A Series of Conferences, Workshops, Socio-cultural Visits in Jakarta, Bandung and Bali, November 14-20, 2011, in conjunction with the ASEAN and EAST ASIA SUMMITS 2011.
Since the last decade, we witness the rise of economic exchanges between Africa and Asia. All the economic powers of Asia have developed economic relations and organised summits with Africa: Japan-Africa (since 1993), China-Africa (since 2006), Korea-Africa (since 2006), India-Africa (since 2008), Turkey-Africa (since 2008), Iran-Africa (since 2010). In 2008, China alone has surpassed the USA and the EU in its trade with Africa. In term of intercontinental trade, Asia has become the most important partner of Africa, followed by the USA and the EU.
Yet, the place of Africa in international trade remains marginal. The initiative of exchanges with Africa comes mostly from outside Africa. There is a risk that Africa continues to be an object instead of subject initiator of exchanges and that the destiny of African people is to be decided by others.
This situation raises several questions: can international trade really bring peace and prosperity to all the parties involved; is it likely to lead to a “win-win” situation; is the present system of international trade suitable with the requirements of common well-being and sustainable world? Where is the place of Europe in this new configuration? Is there any role Europe ought to play?
The conference-workshop has ended as planned. See the EAAE REPORT SUMMARY