Monday 10 January 2011, by DK // CONFERENCES

Bandung Spirit Conference Series was initiated in 2005 during the 50th anniversary of Bandung Asian-African Conference organised by civil society organisations. The most important result of the first conference was a publication of a book related to the theme of the conference: RETHINKING SOLIDARITY IN GLOBAL SOCIETY. See

The second conference was organised for the 55th anniversary of Bandung Asian-African Conference. The event took the name of 55 BANDUNG 55 and consisited of a series of conferences, seminars, workshops, cultural festivals,... along the year 2009 and 2010. The summit took a form of international seminars organised in Yogyakarta, Bandung, Jakarta and North Moluccas under the theme of DIVERSITY IN GLOBALISED SOCIETY: The Role of Africa and Asia for A Sustainable World. See