Jeudi 10 novembre 2022, par PUBLICATION
Darwis Khudori (ed.) in collaboration with Diah Ariani Arimbi and Isaac Bazié, BANDUNG-BELGRADE-HAVANA IN GLOBAL HISTORY AND PERSPECTIVE : The Deployment of Bandung Constellation towards a Global Future. Publisher : Airlangga University Press. Co-publishers : GRIC (Group of Research on Identities and Cultures, University Le Havre Normandy, France), AFRASI INSTITUTE (African-Asian and International Studies Institute, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso) and LAFI (Laboratoire des Afriques Innovantes, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada). 2022. 378p. ISBN : 978-602-473-965-2.
It is available for free reading. Please, CLICK HERE TO READ THE BOOK.
Bandung, Belgrade and Havana Conferences are the most brilliant stars of the Bandung Constellation. Bandung was the “big bang” generating conferences, associations, institutions, research centres, scientific disciplines, festivals… related to Africa and Asia. Belgrade transcended the geographical basis (Asia and Africa) of Bandung to a set of principles devoid of geographical limits. Thanks to Belgrade, Bandung became universal. Belgrade also revealed the two “wings” of Non-alignment : the “radical” one who wanted to put into priority the eradication of colonialism, imperialism and neo-colonialism ; and the “moderate” one who preferred to focus their effort to maintain peace. The radical wing of Non-Alignment found the opportunity to manifest for the first time in Havana. While the moderate wing developed into regular summits of Non-Alignment to the present day.
This edited volume is intended to focus on ideas, thoughts, reflections, views around dreams, challenges and projects for a global future in the spirit of Bandung, Belgrade and Havana conferences. Written by scholars of diverse scientific disciplines and activists of social and solidarity movements, the volume is loosely structured successively around the Assessment of the 66 years of Bandung, the 60 years of Belgrade and the 55 years of Havana conferences ; the Historical Views of the Bandung, Belgrade and Havana conferences seen from diverse regional perspectives (Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe, Latin America, North America) ; the Global Transformation in course seen from diverse angles and regional perspectives (Economy, Geopolitical Economy, Politics, China, Central and Eastern Europe, Gender and Women’s issues) ; the Future Perspectives based on diverse approaches (Civilisation, Technology of Information and Communication, Geopolitical Economy, International Relations). The articles represent a combination of academic excellence and socio-political engagement of their authors in the spirit of Bandung. It is also in this spirit that the digital version of the book is to be made available online for free.
Authors : ARIMBI Diah Ariani (Indonesia), ARLT Herbert (Austria), ARTNER Annamaria (Hungary), BARBIERI Giovanni (Italy), BAZIE Isaac (Burkina Faso/Canada), BEN BARKA Bachir (France), BISSIO Beatriz (Uruguay/Brazil), BOUKARI-YABARA Amzat (France), CAVOSKI Jovan (Serbia), CIMEK Gracjan (Poland), DRWEKSI Bruno (France), FARID Hilmar (Indonesia), HELALI Christopher (USA), HERRERA Rémy (France), KHALAF Noha (Palestine/Jordan), KHUDORI Darwis (Indonesia/France), KONSTANTAKOPOULOS Dimitris (Greece), KOSHY Sanoop Sajan (India), LABAKI Boutros (Lebanon), LIN Chun (China/UK), MASSIAH Gustave (France), PAPE Wolfgang (Germany/Belgium), PARANZINO Michelle D. (USA), SABA AYON Hadi (France), UTAMA Wildan Sena (Indonesia), VARIS Tapio (Finland), ZEPP LAROUCHE Helga (Germany).
It is available for free reading. Please, CLICK HERE TO READ THE BOOK.